Eliestoun Artwork

cornelius.eliestoun-logo_A.v2We have selected a beautiful piece of artwork by Brad Cornelius to help us to promote the cause of preserving Eliestoun. At this time, we are selling posters featuring Brad’s work.

The posters are 15 inches by 23.5 inches on 100 pound paper. Shipping within the United States is included in the $40 price. Handling of orders is done by volunteers, and may take a few days to process. We thank you for your support for the Eliestoun project and for your patience with us. Your shipping information will be collected on the next screen.

If you would like to donate more than the price of the poster(s), please visit our donate page after your purchase. Thank you for your support.

1 Poster $40.00 USD2 Posters $80.00 USD3 Posters $120.00 USD