Friends of Eliestoun presents our video of an exciting event that commenced on October 19, 2017 – pruning of the Japanese maple tree on the grounds of Eliestoun. Skip Kincaid (Director of Urban Forestry at Hansen’s Tree Service, O’Fallon, Missouri) and his crew spent several hours that day doing this work.
Continuing and completing work on the Japanese maple tree at Eliestoun, Ben Chu, an expert craftsman from Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, installed special supports to the large branches, extending up to 30 feet from the base of the tree.
Two generous donors, Diane and Monte Powell, prompted this effort because of their love for Eliestoun and appreciation of this special tree. Another donor lovingly and anonymously provided funds to create and share with you the video we’ve included here, plus another that will come later. Thanks so much to the pruning team, to the donors, to Larry Charlston for recording the activity, to Principia for granting permission to do this – and to you. Enjoy the videos!