Dear Eliestoun enthusiasts,
It has been quite a while since we contacted you. Please know that we at Friends of Eliestoun have quietly continued to work and pray to keep the renovation of the Eliestoun house and grounds moving forward.
The first update for you is that the Principia Board of Trustees has not yet approved a major renovation. However, we are very happy to report that some outside work has been done, and a small group of volunteers has been allowed to work on the interior first floor. We are cautiously optimistic as we realize that all the efforts to date could prove pointless if the Board does not eventually approve the project. We ask for your continued prayerful support of a right resolution, whatever that may be. We know that whatever blesses one, blesses all.
Principia has provided safety equipment and many supplies, and Friends of Eliestoun has contributed tools and materials, as well as volunteers on most weekends for the last year – for a total of approximately 400 hours.
For those of us who have been cherishing the idea of renovating Eliestoun, what has been accomplished in the last year is nothing short of amazing. Here is a list of achievements, plus some items currently in process:
- Eliestoun was reconnected to city water.
- The half bath on the main floor is now usable.
- The kitchen sinks both have running water.
- The area around the front (roadside) door has been brought back as close as possible to its original state.
- All paint has been removed down to the original wood, sanded, repaired, primed, and repainted the closest to the original color as we could match.
- The Dutch door is now fully functional.
- Shingle siding has been replaced on this section of the building.
- Four leaded windows have been completely rebuilt and reinstalled.
- The carpeting has been removed on the lower level and the staircase, including hand removal of the glued and stapled carpet padding that did not come up with the carpet.
- The wall of the house that is in the corner where the outside downspouts had damaged the wall, has been repaired, in addition to the inside wall in the staircase at this area.
- Temporary longer downspouts have been added to take water away from the house.
- A positive ground level has been created against the house so that water will flow away from the building.
- Latex paint has been scraped from the library ceiling and back hallway walls.
- Ceilings on the main floor are being painted.
- The main floor wood paneling has been washed down, and we are now repairing and refinishing it.
- Lead paint has been removed from the dining room plaster walls and cabinet doors and drawers, and the walls are being prepared for painting.
- A special primer that will allow paint to adhere to the older plaster walls is being applied to the back hallway and library ceiling.
- The center fireplace has been uncovered, and the brick and mortar are being repaired.
- Holes in that center fireplace hearth have been repaired, filled in, and painted to match the deep burgundy tile color.
- A temporary furnace has been installed to help prevent pipes from freezing in the winter.
Friends of Eliestoun is deeply grateful for the progress that has taken place. We thank Principia for making this possible – by providing materials, for labor performed, and for permission to allow volunteers to work on the building.
Warmly, The Friends of Eliestoun

I am so pleased to hear of your progress. I am sorry that it has been a few months since I have been in touch, but I am very grateful that others have been active on this project.
Many thanks to the volunteers. Eliestoun is a treasure.